Empowering Children and Communities to Reach their

Full Potential

501C3 Not For Profit Organization

100% Volunteer-run. 100% of your Donations go to Campaigns.*

(*minus applicable processing fees for online donations using credit card, PayPal, GlobalGiving, and GoFundMe  etc)

Empowering Children and Communities to Reach their

Full Potential

501C3 Not For Profit Organization

100% Volunteer-run. 100% of your Donations go to Campaigns.*

(*minus applicable processing fees for online donations using credit card, PayPal, GlobalGiving, and GoFundMe  etc)



Mayor Potencial strives to empower communities in Latin America through education and better opportunities. To accomplish this, Mayor Potencial brings together community organizations in the United States, with schools and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Honduras. These partnerships build strong relationships between Honduran children and their communities, and children and families in the U.S.

Mayor Potencial strives to empower communities in Latin America through education and better opportunities. To accomplish this, Mayor Potencial brings together community organizations in the United States, with schools and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Honduras. These partnerships build strong relationships between Honduran children and their communities, and children and families in the U.S.

501C3 Not For Profit Organization

100% Volunteer-run. 100% of your Donations go to Campaigns.*

(*minus applicable processing fees for online donations using credit card, PayPal, GlobalGiving, and GoFundMe  etc)

501C3 Not For Profit Organization

100% Volunteer-run. 100% of your Donations go to Campaigns.*

(*minus applicable processing fees for online donations using credit card, PayPal, GlobalGiving, and GoFundMe  etc)

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100% Volunteer-run. 100% of your Donations go to Campaigns.*

© 2014-2024 Mayor Potencial is a 501(c)(3) organization. All rights reserved.